Get Sanity Back...Ideas to Unplug This Summer

By: Mitchell & Nemitz, PA

During your summer break or vacation, consider the following ideas to not only recharge, but to do so without sitting in front of a screen, monitor, or phone.

  • Leverage the library. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to a library, consider a trip to find two or three good books to help you pass the time this summer. If you have kids, consider going once a week or every two weeks as a summertime activity for the entire family. Plus the library is a great place for a variety of activities and resources, including books on tape for that long drive to your summer hideaway!

  • Start journaling or writing. Instead of reading a book you got from the library, why not actually write a book? If that sounds too ambitious, then consider starting a journal or writing shorter essays. Summer is a great time for taking your imagination and ideas, and getting them on paper.

  • Start a new outdoor hobby. Many studies confirm that outdoor activities give a boost to both your mental and physical health. It doesn’t matter if the activity uses a lot of energy, such as biking, running, or hiking, or is a more laid-back activity like gardening or bird watching. Pick a new outdoor activity to help you de-stress and reconnect with nature.

  • Dust off your board and card games. Whether it’s a game for the entire family or a group of friends, summer is a great time to grab your favorite board and card games from the closet. Even better, consider going to a thrift store and finding a new board game. For the very ambitious, consider inventing your own game.

  • Volunteer. In addition to giving back to your community, volunteering can help both students and adults learn new skills and meet new people. Your volunteering activities are also something that usually look great on a resume.

  • Go for electronic-free walks. Many people exercise while listening to music or a podcast, or watching something on TV. Consider going for a walk or doing your normal exercise activity without an electronic device. Focus instead on the scenery around you or meditate on something that happened that day.

  • Meet with old friends. Always too busy to meet up with old friends? Consider scheduling game nights or outings. Not only can you catch up with everyone, you do it while laughing through a fun activity.

  • Start a quest. Pick a theme – such as mini-golf courses, state parks, lakes, or birds – and make it a quest to visit or find as many as possible. Consider it a real life quest. Then make it memorable. For example, if your quest is to visit every state, consider taking a picture with your child and their favorite stuffed animal in each state. Then write a caption to make a great memory.

Finally, no matter what activity you choose during summer break, enjoy your time away!