Early Mortgage Payoff: Small Payments Can Save You Big Money

By: Mitchell & Nemitz, PA

Small payments can save you big money when paying off your mortgage.

With 30-year fixed rates reaching levels not seen in 25 years, adding even just a little extra to your monthly payment can significantly cut down on the interest you pay over the life of your mortgage.

Here are several different scenarios to illustrate how much interest you can save by slightly increasing each monthly payment.

Base scenario and assumptions

Here’s the assumptions used for this base scenario:

  • Average U.S. home price ($420,800) and mortgage rate (7.50%) for early 3rd quarter of 2024

  • Average U.S. downpayment of 10%

  • House financed using a 30-year fixed rate mortgage

  • Monthly payment includes principal and interest payments only; it does not include other expenses typically bundled with monthly payments, such as property taxes, homeowners insurance, and mortgage insurance premiums

With no additional money tacked on to your monthly payment, you would pay $574,583 in interest over the course of your 30 year mortgage in this base scenario.

To buy this house for $420,800, you would end up paying just shy of $1 million after adding $574,583 of interest charges!

None of us wants to pay $1 million for a $420,000 house. So let’s take a look at the following scenarios to find out how much interest expense you can save by increasing your monthly payments by a small amount.

Here's a summary of the base scenario's assumptions compared with how much interest you can save, and how much faster you'll pay off your mortgage, in each of the following examples.

Example #1: An Extra $100 Per Month

Adding an extra $100 to your monthly mortgage payment would save you $81,902 in interest expense and cut down on the time to pay off your mortgage by 3½ years.

Example #2: An Extra Lump-Sum at Years 5, 15 & 25

In this example, let’s assume you make an additional lump-sum payment of $5,000 in years 5, 15, and 25 of your mortgage.

While you wouldn’t save that much extra time paying off your mortgage in this scenario, you’ll still end up pocketing nearly $37,000 just by making three lump-sum payments over the course of your mortgage.

Example #3: An Extra $200 Per Month

If you can afford an extra $100 per month to put towards your mortgage, why not try for $200 a month? This is where the math starts to get fun. Adding $200 a month helps pay off your mortgage 6 years sooner and saves you $140,000 in interest expense.

Every little bit helps

Even adding an extra $10 per month can save you nearly $10,000 over the course of your mortgage. That’s a lot of money that goes into your bank account instead of your bank’s bank account!

Paying off your mortgage early and cutting down how much interest you pay over the course of your mortgage doesn’t require a lot of money. Whether it’s $100 or $10 a month, every little bit can help on your quest towards a better financial future for you and your family.